My Bridging the Gap colleagues and I have published a piece on how opportunities and challenges for scholars seeking to engage policy makers and the public have changed over time.
SIS PhD student Lily Wojtowicz and I wrote a response for Security Studies to a piece by Brian Blankenship and Erik Lin-Greenberg on reassurance and deterrence.
Naaz Barma and I contributed this piece on “How Not to Bridge the Gap in International Relations” to a fabulous “How Not To” Guide, a special issue of the journal International Affairs, edited by Daniel Drezner and Amrita Narlikar.
In this article co-authored with Michael C. Desch, Ana K. Petrova, and Kimberly Peh, we discuss the results of a survey of international affairs schools deans and top-50 department chairs regarding hiring priorities and attitudes toward what should count for tenure and promotion.
by James Goldgeier
Some of the recent literature on negotiations at the end of the Cold War regarding German reunification and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has deflected attention from an important policy problem that arose during subsequent deliberations about whether to enlarge the membership of NATO. Newly released U.S. and Russian archival materials highlight this problem very clearly, namely, how leaders manage tradeoffs and uncertainty. Pursuing one set of interests can harm the achievement of other interests. At times, policies take a while to form, adding to uncertainty in relations between countries. This article highlights the ways U.S. President Bill Clinton and his top advisers convinced themselves that they could both enlarge NATO and keep Russia on a Western-oriented track, despite Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s repeated warnings to the contrary.
Garret Martin and I wrote about NATO and China in advance of the Vilnius Summit.
I was delighted to participate in this H-Diplo/RJISSF Policy Roundtable on Sustaining Conversations between Political Scientists and Historians
I offer my thoughts on the recently concluded NATO summit, including what it means for Ukraine.
Professor Elizabeth Saunders and I wrote a tribute to the late Bob Jervis for H-Diplo
Sara Bjerg Moller and I highlight some key issues as the NATO summit gets underway